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Tomorrow’s Cause

by digby

Kevin says:

I’m willing to bet that a decade from now, far from being seen as the first step in reassembling Russia’s old empire, the Russo-Georgian war will be virtually forgotten, a tiny, week long border conflict over a couple of unimportant territories that had been in limbo for 17 years and were bound to blow up sooner or later

If there was no such thing as neoconservatism, I might agree. But I’m willing to bet that we will be hearing about “the betrayal” for some time to come. It’s a perfect rallying cry for those who need perpetual war to accomplish their goals.

As for the rest of Kevin’s post in which he says Bush didn’t do too badly, well I think he did as well as he could — considering it’s become pretty clear that the Georgians hadn’t yet learned that everything he says in bullshit and the best thing to do is assume the opposite.

Kevin asks:

I wonder if a gunslinging President McCain would have done as well?

It’s hard to know since he’s a corrupt, pandering politician who is clearly willing to do anything to get elected, but if we take him at his word, we’d have to assume that we’d have declared war on Russia.

Here’s a thought: what if John Mccain had been president during the Cuban Missile Crisis? I have to figure that pondering that question is why guys like Dick Lugar aren’t endorsing him.

“I’m not saying we won’t get our hair mussed. 20-30 million tops…”


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