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by digby

Wolcott on the Laura Ingraham flap:

Alas, K’Lo does her heroine no favors hailing Ingraham’s cool aplomb in a post titled “Laura, the Cucumber Queen.” In today’s climate of innuendo, ‘Cucumber Queen’ is the sort of honorific that could be easily misconstrued.

I’ll say. But then K-Lo has never been the sharpest knife in the drawer. Here’s TBOGG:

Word on the street is that John McCain’s speech tonight was deeply and profoundly sucktastic, and so it turns to two of the brighter lights in the conservative constellation to offer up some really swell advice:

Exactly Right [Kathryn Jean Lopez]

Sean Hannity just offered some advice to McCain on Hannity & Colmes. If he wants to give an inspiring speech, the senator ought to look at Mitt Romney’s CPAC exit speech and Fred Thompson’s exit speech; they were both fantastic, conservative, uplifting speeches. And so, John McCain should make like he’s about to bow out of the race to find, as Hillary might put it, his voice.

And then, of course, there’s this, from late 2003:

even if the Washington Post thinks they’re just MidEast-phobic: 70 percent believe Saddam Hussein was tied to 9/11.

Posted at 07:45 PM

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