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The Editorial Muse

by digby


Some of the reporters traveling with Obama were surprised upon landing to discover their editors in something of a frenzy. The reason: Drudge is using terms like “chaos” and “mob scene” to describe Obama’s visit early this morning to the Western Wall. But that’s not the way the pool saw it. (When I asked pooler Jeff Zeleny of the NYT about the Drudge version, he was puzzled and conferred with the other poolers and emailed me back: “No mob scene. Not even close.”)

These press organizations spend big bucks to send reporters along on trips like these and yet their world still revolves around some schmuck in Florida who serves as a conduit for right wing propaganda. After all these years, they still believe him. And the funny thing about it is that while they rely heavily on a guy who’s only relationship to real journalism is the fact that he wears a Walter Winchell fedora, they spend an inordinate amount of time denigrating bloggers, among whose ranks he more logically belongs.

In other news, Barack Obama doesn’t give the reporters on his trip any nicknames and sounds like an intelligent, well-informed, confident human being when asked a wide range of questions. How can he possibly win? (I would definitely enjoy having a Venti non-fat latte or an orange juice with him — a beer too, for that matter.)


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