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Could You Be President?

by digby

Take the quiz:

Global knowledge1. The split between Sunni and Shia, the two main branches of Islam, is approximately how many years old?
a. 700 years
b. 1,100 years.
c. 1,400 years.
d. 3,200 years.2. The gross domestic product real growth rate of China for 2007 is:
a. 5.5%
b. 11.4%
c. 16.1%
d. 20.7%3. Roughly speaking, the respective populations of Palestinians and Jews in the West Bank are:
a. 1.9 million and 700,000
b. 2.3 million and 275,000
c. 2.75 million and 540,000
d. 3 million and 300,0004. Scientific experts were “stunned” in 2007 to learn that the rate at which the Arctic polar ice cap is melting could leave the north pole completely ice-free as soon as:
a. 2018
b. 2060
c. 2121
d. 2030Domestic Knowledge5. By what year are Medicare expenditures expected to surpass Social Security expenditures?
a. 2028
b. 2014
c. 2082
d. 25256. In what percentage of the roughly 3,100 counties in the United States is there at least one legal abortion provider?
a. 31%
b. 28%
c. 13%
d. 56%7. Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac have a hand in about what percentage of mortgages in the United States?
a. 30%
b. 65%
c. 40%
d. 50%8. How many Americans live below the official poverty line?
a. 26 million
b. 37 million
c. 42 million
d. 53 millionEveryday life9. At the end of 2007, what was the average price in the US of a gallon of milk?
a. $3.87
b. $3.35
c. $4.26
d. $4.4110. What’s the manufacturer’s suggested retail price for a Chevrolet Malibu LS Sedan (base model)?
a. $23,385
b. $27,138
c. $19,345
d. $17,21111. What’s the average annual cost of in-state tuition and fees at a typical state university – say, the University of Missouri?
a. $14,380
b. $16,050
c. $24,700
d. $20,60012. In 2007, the average yearly premium for an employer-sponsored healthcare plan for a family of four was what?
a. $12,100
b. $9,900
c. $18,450
d. $14,200American history13. List these four historical incidents in chronological order from earliest to latest:
a. The Monroe Doctrine
b. The Indian Removal Act
c. The Treaty of Ghent
d. The Missouri Compromise14. Who wrote the Federalist No 10?
a. John Jay
b. Gouverneur Morris
c. Alexander Hamilton
d. James Madison15. When Truman secretary of state Dean Acheson told senator Arthur Vandenberg that he wanted the case made to the American people to be “clearer than truth”, he was referring to the case for what?
a. The Berlin Airlift
b. The Truman Doctrine
c. The formation of Nato
d. The Korean war16. Affirmative action in the United States was initiated by:
a. An act of Congress
b. A supreme court decision
c. A presidential executive order
d. A policy enacted by a consortium of state university systemsGeneral well-rounded human being-ness17. In the Old Testament, who was changed into a pillar of salt?
a. Job’s wife
b. Job
c. Lot’s wife
d. Esau’s wife18. Who is credited with the discovery of double-helix DNA?
a. Difford and Tilbrook
b. Watson and Crick
c. Sly and Robbie
d. Marsters and Gellar19. Which of these teams has never won a Super Bowl?
a. The Minnesota Vikings
b. The Kansas City Chiefs
c. The St Louis Rams
d. The Pittsburgh Steelers20. Simon, Randy and Paula are:
a. The Kingston Trio
b. The real names of Peter, Paul and Mary
c. The judges on Dancing With the Stars
d. The judges on American Idol

Answers here.


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