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by digby

Watch Chris Matthews today backtracking after he says he “loves” Charlie Christ. Turns out he just “likes him a lot.” No word on if he gives him a thrill up his leg.

Then Mudcat “put illegal aliens in the bait can” Saunders tells us that the issues don’t matter and that the only way Barack can win is to “get through the culture” of white, working class people. He can’t watch NASCAR or go hunting because that would be inauthentic. Mudcat says he needs to “work his own culture” because southerners like the blues and eat “black” food. The fact that Obama isn’t a southerner isn’t a problem because Mudcat says Barack can go into a southern diner (which Matthews describes as being full of beefy white guys slopping up their eggs with toast) and proclaim “I’m a black guy and I can’t do anything about it.”

Mudcat is a professional Democratic political consultant. And as we know, Matthews is a famous liberal commentator who is paid five million dollars a year.


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