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She’s My Mother And My Sister

by digby

Conservatives are very confused these days:

HANNITY: The news today brings a clear foreign policy victory for the Bush administration. But will the press report it that way? Joining us now for analysis, former ambassador to the U.N. and a Fox News contributor, John Bolton. What do you think this means?

BOLTON: I think it’s actually a clear victory for North Korea. They gain enormous political legitimacy…In return, we get precious little. I think this is North Korea demonstrating again that they can out-negotiate the U.S. without raising a sweat.

HANNITY: Boy I tell you they’ve done it time and time again, and I’m sorta perplexed, Mr. Ambassador, to understand why we keep going back to the well knowing that they haven’t kept the agreements in the past. Whatever happened to Reagan’s “trust but verify”?

Bless his heart. He doesn’t know which way to turn anymore. Is the line, “Bush is a great leader for making this deal with North Korea and nobody acknowledges it” or “He just sold the country out to the commies?” Unfortunately, his first choice was the wrong one, at least as far as John Bolton was concerned. So, he just did an immediate 180, apparently assuming that nobody would notice. Wingnut central needs to have a retreat or something and get their talking points together. It’s starting to get embarrassing.

(And isn’t it amazing to think that John Bolton was ever in important jobs in the US government? It’s like a fast fading nightmare where you can’t remember all the details but your sense of fear and foreboding is still with you. Creepy.)


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