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by digby

Here’s what an obstructionist opposition party looks like:

Expect a lot more of this in the next congress. The Republicans actually define themselves as obstructionists: they want to “stop the liberals” from raising your taxes, surrendering to the enemy and getting your daughter pregnant. They consider it a selling point.

Depending on the magnitude of the win, the Democratic leadership and the new president will have their hands full in the next congress with a bunch of rowdy, minority Republicans who will be having the time of their lives trying to define the Democrats as big spenders and weak sisters and themselves as the brave heroes saving the country from ruin — prepping the ground for a big comeback under the banner of The Man Called Petraeus.

They may not be successful, but we should probably be prepared for how to deal with that. This little show they put on this week is just a preview.

H/T to Think Progress


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