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The Bad Pennies Return

by tristero

No, not again:

I’m not saying that war or conflict with Iran is imminent. In fact, I don’t think America, even under Bush, will strike Iran first — but I do think that there is an increasing chance of a trigger event driving a fast escalation of higher and higher consequence military options. This trigger could be a mistaken signal, a ship collision, an event engineered by the Israelis, or by the IRGC Al Quds force, or by some other splinter terrorist operation wanting to exploit regional tensions and the current fragility of affairs…

Whereas David Wurmser allegedly (though he does deny it) said that Vice President Cheney felt it important to “tie the President’s hands” when it came to Iran and to generate an event that would undermine the diplomatic track — the worry now is that the crowd in power is really talking about tying the next President’s hands. . .tying perhaps Barack Obama’s hands.

This will be an… interesting year, to say the least.

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