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Oh No

by digby

I knew John McCain would make some sort of overt play for Hillary voters, particularly older women, but I never dreamed he’d go this route:

Senator John McCain’s campaign is taking a more lighthearted approach to chatting up these women, at least in a new blog it debuted last night, The McCain Report.

The latest entry says, “Attention disaffected Hillary supporters, John McCain is a huge ABBA fan. Seriously.” Embedded is a YouTube video with the famous refrain:

If you change your mind,
I’m the first in line
Honey I’m still free
Take a chance on me

Let’s hope he doesn’t continue in this vein or we are likely to see him sing “Do You Think I’m Sexy” at some karaoke night in Ohio and start dishing with the gals about which cast member of “Sex In The City” he most identifies with.

For the love of all that is good and decent about America, please, I beg him, don’t go there.


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