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Syria’s The New Iran Which Is The New Iraq

by tristero

Glenn says what needs to be said about the Bush propaganda in re: the claims that NoKo was helping Syria build a nuclear reactor. And just what the hell is meant by “low confidence,” anyway, as in:

two senior intelligence officials acknowledged that the evidence had left them with no more than “low confidence” that Syria was preparing to build a nuclear weapon.

Does it mean they think there’s a slim chance, based on evidence that Syria’s preparing to build a nuke, or do they mean they have low confidence in the evidence, and besides, what is the rough probability associated with low confidence? 10%? 2%? .00000000000014%? What?

Bottom line: There is absolutely no reason to assume that the Bush administration is telling the truth and every reason to believe they’re lying. Let Bush produce convincing evidence. So far, he’s got bupkis and the media really shouldn’t print any Bush nonsense of the Powell-at-the-UN kind without strong disclaimers.

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