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by digby

Haloscan has been acting weird over the past few days, apparently because I decided to have the comment section moderated now and there was a technical glitch on some of the threads. It seems to be working on the new ones. Here are the ground rules. If you want to fight about the primary you can only do so when it is on topic (and they will still be moderated for abuse and general assholishness, as will all threads.) All comments about the primary on threads about other subjects will not be posted, so don’t waste your time.

The blogosphere is now in a nearly hysterical feedback loop that creates a certain intensity. That’s fine, but the comments tend to hurl out of control on every topic and it draws my nasty stalkers, wasting a lot of my time and emotional energy. There are tons of blogs eager to host a running conversation on the topic, so there’s no free speech issue and no lack of opportunity to wallow in the subject 24/7 if you like.

As always, I value all thoughtful commentary and appreciate everyone who comes here to read our scribbles.

Update: Ooops. Comments fubared again. Don’t assume that if something doesn’t show up it’s because I’m holding it.


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