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Fans Of PZ Myers, Take Note

by tristero

A quick heads up to science fans that
Olivia Judson has a wonderful online series on evolution called The Wild Side running at the NY Times.

I wonder why these columns are not appearing in the print edition of the Times. After all, the Grey Lady’s disgraceful flirtation with creationism dissipated after the Dover trial so there’s no political reason for it. Is it possible they think Dr. Judson’s column is just too brainy for the average Times reader? Some discussions I’ve had with friends who work there suggest so.

Put it this way: Anyone who can follow the complexities of the talented Amy Winehouse’s terrible struggle with substance abuse problems will find Dr. Judson’s discussion of mutations to the cis-regulatory elements in genes a snap. And if you’re willing and capable of understanding what an ERA is, you should have no trouble grokking the math by which she calculates the stride rate implied by a set of fossil footprints.

In any event, read her columns. When you’re not checking out Pharyngula, that is.

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