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Math Is Hard

by dday

Just to quickly weigh in on this issue of press bias, I think we can all agree that the press is basically lazy. This, above all else, is what the Republicans have skillfully manipulated over the last decade. They know exactly how to get the media to chase the soccer ball. The laziness informs everything they do: the reliance on familiar narratives, ignoring data in favor of what they think they already know, repeating anything on an RNC press release, being easily bullied by political operatives, preferring not to discuss policy because it involves numbers and charts and all that confusing nonsense, et cetera.

For instance, it’s brilliant that MSNBC’s mannequin newsreader Contessa Brewer just got information on delegate counts from a 14 year-old reporter from Scholastic News (who knew her stuff, but of course it’s actually not really rocket science). And then she goes “Do you really care about this stuff?” Because if you do, young lady, you’ll never make it as a TV reporter!


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