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The Democratic Rules

by dday

If we had a press that applied the same rules to John McCain that it has to Democrats as of late…

You’d hear every Democratic strategist on the talking head shows, and direct questions to the candidate himself, about how he is America’s Worst Senator for Children. And sure, the number is a function of McCain missing so many votes – so what. That’s basically how Sen. Obama’s National Journal ratings were conceived, and as long as that is a fair data point, then so should this statistic from the Children’s Defense Fund. “Sen. McCain, why are you considered America’s Worst Senator for Children?”

We’d have constant questions asking McCain to renounce or reject or oppose or renouncereject or just say no to the support of John Hagee, a Biblical end-timer who believes that God caused Hurricane Katrina for its gay pride parades, that Muslims are programmed to kill nonbelievers, and that we must hasten the Rapture by invading every country in the Middle East. McCain should be asked about every single one of those statements and whether he explicitly supports them. I mean, I know Hagee’s not black, but you’d think his rhetoric of hate would be held to the same standard as Louis Farrakhan.

…my preference would actually be that all of these petty side issues be put in the proper context, and substantive reporting be prioritized. But you know, level playing field, and all that.


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