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Bang, Bang, Shoot, Shoot

by tristero

I believe him.:

Separately, a Pentagon spokesman, Bryan Whitman, dismissed suggestions that the operation was designed to test the nation’s missile defense systems or antisatellite capabilities, or that the effort was to destroy sensitive intelligence equipment.

“This is about reducing the risk to human life on Earth — nothing more,” Mr. Whitman said.

Absolutely. Nothing more. And if you think otherwise, you’re precisely the kind of dirty-minded cynic who, back in the day, thought anyone who bought Playboy was just interested in the pictures.

I mean, really, what has this country come to, when people start suspecting our government of testing its Star Wars defense – which is designed to shoot satellites out of the sky – simply because the government is going to try to shoot a satellite out of the sky? I mean, like how paranoid can you get? What next? Secret CIA torture chambers in friendly countries? Bribing journalists to print stories favorable to the administration? Oooh, scary!!!! As if the government didn’t know better.

Give me a break, folks. Just believe what they tell you. It’s the truth. Really.

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