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Of Course, They Were Attacked.

by tristero

Here’s how the Times reported it:

Two of the soldiers who wrote of their pessimism about the war in an Op-Ed article that appeared in The New York Times on Aug. 19 were killed in Baghdad on Monday. They were not killed in combat, nor on a daring mission. They died when the five-ton cargo truck in which they were riding overturned.

No doubt, the “five-ton cargo truck” did indeed overturn. The unanswered question is why did the five ton-cargo truck overturn?

And there really is only one reasonable answer which is that it was attacked. Just like all those helicopter crashes due to nothing other than “mechanical failure” were, in fact, caused by attacks.

Let me be clear. I’m NOT saying that the administration ordered them killed or even deliberately ordered them into harm’s way. Nor do I for a minute believe such nonsense (cue the usual folks to accuse me of extreme gullibility for not realizing that Osama and Bush are secret lovers who hatched 9/11 together in bed one enchanted Arabian night).

All I’m saying, and believe, is what’s patently obvious: Their truck overturned, and they were killed, because they were attacked. Apparently, I’m not alone, although strictly speaking all she wants are the details.

But hey! Y’never know! Accidents do happen in war zones, after all. Indeed they do. But this was the result of an attack. And if I’m wrong – but I’m not – I will gladly and publicly apologize.

Okay, you military geeks, go to it. Explain in detail how these five-ton cargo trucks are nothing like driving a Nissan Sentra. Enlighten us on their extremely unusual and fragile transmission, on how if they’re not kept in perfect condition accidents are inevitable, on how they’re a bit top-heavy and quite unstable on the road, and that it’s actually more than reasonable to assume mere driver error caused an accident.

Hey! Y’never know!

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