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by digby

Darcy Burner is this close to raising a hundred thousand dollars in her campaign to send a message to George W. bush and his Go-Along congress. If you’re inclined to throw some coin her way, do it today.

As Jane Hamsher writes:

Groups like Emily’s List come in with a check for a hundred thousand dollars and can pretty much demand to control messaging on a Congressional campaign. Much of the blogosphere’s ability to get the attention of politicians when they go off the reservation is due not only to the fact that we raised quite a bit during the last election cycle for candidates we support, but also because we made Joe Lieberman raise $17 million to keep his seat. Yes, a hundred thousand dollars — particularly at this point in the election cycle — does get people’s attention.

You can watch the candidate make the pitch herself, right here.

Burner’s campaign is holding a virtual town hall meeting this afternoon at 3pm pacific time. You can find it on her website where they are still collecting questions.


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