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Mark Your Schedules

by digby

Tomorrow afternoon I will have the great pleasure of hosting Robert Frank, the author of the new book “Falling Behind: How Rising Inequality Harms The Middle Class” at the Firedoglake Book Salon — at 5pm on the east coast and 2pm here in the west.

Professor Frank will be on hand to tell all of us what’s going to happen in the stock market next week.

Just kidding! He told me the TSA confiscated his crystal ball in the Albany airport several months ago. But he will be available to discuss why we should care about income inequality and why so many of us are feeling like we are falling behind. The answers will surprise you.

*If you’d like to see Dr Frank in action, check out this You Tube. I’ll tell you, until I started blogging I didn’t know economists were such a funny bunch.


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