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War Room Linkage

by digby

I’m sure that that most of you are devastated to miss even one word that I write, so I just wanted to remind you that you can find some of my recent stylings at Salon’s War Room.

Also check in over there to read my colleagues Alex Koppelman and Julia Dahl’s insights on the news of the day in the War Room. As you know, Salon also features Glenn Greenwald, who produces his usual daily masterpiece and updates at his blog each day, as well as the blogosphere’s Iron Man, Steve Benen’s “Blog Report” and editor Joan Walsh’s blog. The magazine has been a fixture in liberal online publishing since the early days, publishing great voices like Sidney Blumenthal and Joe Conason, but it’s reaching into the blogosphere as well, which is commendable. It’s always worth going through the ad or subscribing to see what they have on offer.

My scribbles:

Bush wins back the ditto-heads
The Attorney General and his kernel of truth
Why are the taxpayers still paying Karl Rove’s salary
Moving the goal posts, again
Prejudice in America
Newtie Makes A Fool Of Himself

Decorated lawyers
Feingold Brings It On


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