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Appropriate For All Ages

by digby

Amanda Marcotte has written a great post answering my question yesterday about why the press is still so fascinated by the Clintons’ sex lives. It’s a very interesting deconstruction of the whole Clinton marriage phenomenon.

And I also enjoyed one of her commenter’s posts, in response to a complaint by another saying: “I’ve yet to meet anyone … who is moved, emotionally, by Mrs. Clinton.” The commenter shared this delightful anecdote:

My Dad’s had a thing for her since forever. It was annoying during Bill Clinton’s presidency as she was on TV so much and every time she appeared he’d shout: “There she is! That’s my girl!”

In retrospect, I’m kind of proud of him. Of all the unattainable women he could have developed a crush on he picked a brainy feminist who was –gasp–age appropriate!

Plus my mom never seemed to mind.


For the record, and in response to the numerous readers who have let me know in no uncertain terms that over-60’s are as hot to trot as ever, let it be known that I am a huge proponent of good sex for people of all ages (beyond childhood, of course.) Major fan, here. I hope to be happily doing it in the wheel chair in the nursing home. My point, however, was that after famous people hit a certain age, the public tends to stop focusing so much on their sex appeal. I don’t happen to think that’s such a bad thing — life has all kinds of dimensions and sexuality is just one of them. (In fact, in politics, it’s pretty much irrelevant.) Bill and Hill are both attractive people and there has long been a fascination with their marriage. But I suspect that it’s only in Washington that people spend much time musing about whether the Bill of today is “being a good boy” or wondering whether Hillary has decided to get the Girls Gone Wild constituency by wearing a V-neck top in the middle of summer. That’s all I’m saying.

Now get back to schtupping, all of you.


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