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Embracing The Wackos

by digby

MYDD’s Melissa Ryan has a good suggestion:

NARAL’s website has a section devoted to the 2008 Presidential candidates and their views on a woman’s right to choose. This will come as no surprise, but only one Republican candidate, Rep. Tancredo, responded to NARAL’s request for a statement.


Birth Control is a good issue for Democrats. It’s a women’s issue, a health care issue, an economic issue. Virtually every American makes choices about family planning over the course of their lifetime…I propose developing a standard list of questions to ask about access to birth control. It could first be sent out to Presidential candidates, and then used by those wishing to question candidates running for Congress and their State Assemblies in 2008.

I came up with these questions, but I’d love to get feedback from others on the wording, and any topics I might have forgotten. Over the next couple of weeks I can take that feedback and create a final set of questions to send out.

1. Do you support the right to use contraception?
2. Would you support legislations that requires pharmacies to both stock and fill prescriptions for birth control pills including Plan B emergency contraception?
3. As President (Senator/Congresswoman) would you support continued funding of Title X, which provides contraception and related reproductive health care services to low-income women?
4. Would you support legislation that require hospitals to offer information and prescriptions of emergency contraception to victims of sexual assault?
5. Would you support legislation requiring schools to include information about contraception as part of any sex ed curriculum?
6. Would you support legislation requiring health insurance providers to cover oral contraceptives in their prescription plans?

She wants these questions asked of Democratic candidates and I think that’s a good idea. But I would really like to see them asked of Republican candidates during this primary season when they are all tripping over themselves to get the neanderthal nomination. I doubt very seriously that the mainstream of America knows just how nutty those people are on the subject. Locking these men into the extreme stance required to placate the kooks early would be very smart.


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