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Legal Sweetie

by digby

The Wapo has some insight into our previously obscure young walküre:

When a college intern in the Justice Department whined that all he was doing was filing and answering phones, Monica M. Goodling took him aside. If he wanted to do “substantive work,” she told him, he was going to have to prove himself first.

The intern walked out of the office in a huff, and when he returned an hour later, Goodling took him aside again. “You’re fired,” she said.

“Some people in the office thought: ‘Wow! That was tough,’ ” said Mark Corallo, her former boss in Justice’s Office of Public Affairs, who recalled the incident. “But I thought, ‘Good for her.’ “


This week, Goodling, 33, became the most prominent federal official to invoke the Fifth Amendment to avoid testifying before Congress since Lt. Col. Oliver L. North refused to answer questions — until he received immunity — during the 1986 Iran-contra hearings.

Goodling, now on an indefinite leave, most recently served as senior counsel to Attorney General Alberto R. Gonzales and as Justice’s liaison to the White House. Her name appears on several e-mails about the firings of eight U.S. attorneys, and members of the Senate Judiciary Committee are eager to ask her about those dismissals.

Explaining why she invoked her right against self-incrimination, her lawyer, John M. Dowd, called the investigation “hostile” and said that some committee members “have already reached conclusions.”

At yesterday’s Judiciary hearing, senators questioned why she was still employed at Justice. Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse (D-R.I.), a former U.S. attorney, noted that the department encourages corporations to fire employees who refuse to cooperate with government investigations.

“I’m a little surprised that she’s still there after taking the Fifth,” he said.

To her supporters, Goodling’s only mistake — if she made one at all — was not anticipating the political peril before the 2006 midterm elections.

“The young conservatives who came off the campaign and were new to town with this administration, they’ve never seen lean times,” said a veteran Republican political appointee who declined to be quoted by name saying anything critical of Goodling. “They had no appreciation for what would happen after the Democrats took control and how tough it would be.”

To her detractors, Goodling was an enforcer of political loyalty who was not squeamish about firings — of interns or of senior officials.

“She forced many very talented, career people out of main Justice so she could replace them with junior people that were either loyal to the administration or would score her some points,” said a former career Justice official who spoke on the condition of anonymity, citing fear of reprisal.

I guess clawing your way up the ladder on the backs of others is an example of those wonderful traditional values that she learned at Pat Robertson U.


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