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King Leonides Lives

by digby

Wow, let’s party like it’s 2002 and pretend President Pissypants has an 80% approval rating! He won’t stand for the congress “acting inappropriately” by subpoenaing members of the white house. He says he hopes they don’t keep wasting his time with “showtrials” because he’s offered a “reasonable proposal” (to allow Karl Rove to lie his ass off in private.) When asked if Gonzales could function since he doesn’t seem to have much support, he hit back hard with “he has stong support with ME!” Ssss-nap!

He is, by the way, only doing this to protect future presidents, which is very generous of him. And he feels sorry that this has bubbled up to the surface, because it’s hard on those (incredible loser) US Attorneys, but that’s Washington for you, (inadvertantly reminding everyone that he spends most of his time clearing brush in Crawford.)

Wolf says he was very, very strong and very, very tough and something about the president’s pleasure and … oooh baby. If he’d had on a loin cloth and a nice mullet his testosterone-addled cartoon manliness would have been right out of “300.” Too bad King Codpiece’s toothless little tirades are about as convincing as Village People machismo these days.

I suspect that many Americans are saying, “is he still here?”

Update: Atrios says:

Any executive privilege claims can only theoretically potentially limit the scope of questioning, not prevent them from testifying at all. Working for the president doesn’t give you magic immunity from everything.

Well, now, that’s not exactly true. Nixon said, when the president does it, “it’s not illegal.” And in Bush’s case, it’s only slightly modified to say “when the president’s brain does it, it’s not illegal.” Clinton’s closest aides were called up 47 times and testified under oath. But that, of course, was completely different.


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