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Cultural Revolution

by digby

Like Atrios I like this post on LGM about the Ole Perfesser’s homicidal rant proposing that we covertly kill all the Iranian nuclear scientists so that they will not be able to produce a bomb. Excellent idea.

But you know what? You can’t just stop with the scientists. You’d have to also kill all the science professors and students because otherwise, they could learn how to make nuclear bombs and then we’d have to go in and kill them too. And when you think about it, as long as any educated people are around the potential to learn and teach is a problem. We sure would hate to see that smoking gun turn out to be a mushroom cloud.

Maybe the thing to do is empty out all the cities and send the educated people to the countryside to work in the fields. I’ve heard that works. Or we could just apply the Bush Doctrine and take out the whole country to prevent them from ever even thinking about getting a bomb. It’s all good.


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