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Where’s Waldo?

by digby

Atrios mentioned this recently and I had noticed the same thing. For some reason the Republican primary doesn’t seem to be getting the same kind of coverage the Democratic primary is. I think that’s probably a good thing on balance, but it does make for some odd media errors and omissions. Here’s a reporter from MSNBC earlier today talking about Mitt Romney:

What was interesting today is that he took some not so veiled swipes at his potential competitors. He talked about his experience in running a state. He said and there are some occasions when you simply can’t afford to have someone who’s never run so much as a corner store let alone the largest enterprise in the world. That seemed to be a jab at Barack Obama, someone who is obviously lacking in national experience. And perhaps even a veiled swipe at Hillary Clinton who though she has been a sitting Senator has obviously never been a chief executive.

Isn’t it just a little bit strange that Romney’s more immediate rivals aren’t mentioned? John McCain’s been a prima donna Senator whose biggest organizational task is figuring out his speaking schedule while Rudy Giuliani has exactly zero national experience.

The press seems to have taken Ronald Reagan’s old advice to heart — thou shalt not speak ill of a Republican.All of politics are now filtered through a prism made up of Clinton’s cold, calculating bitchiness and Obama’s callow, empty phoniness. Republicans? They’re the alternative.


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