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Lead, Follow Or Get Out Of The Way

by digby

I know this has made the rounds of the blogosphere already, but I can’t let it pass.We have got a lot of problems in this world. Islamic extremism is one of them, but despite what the right insists, it is not the equivalent of the martians in “War of the Worlds” landing and killing everything in sight. They are people and they can be dealt with as the world has dealt with crazy tribal, religious and ideological challenges since time began.

Global warming, however, is a global problem on a scale we’ve never dealt with before. It is going to take some extremly imaginative and creative thinking, as well as cooperation across the entire planet to successfully head off an impending disaster. It is a test of our species like no other.

So who are the ostriches with their heads in the sand refusing to face up to what may be the most important global challenge in human history? Guess.

This is one that really separates the men and women from the children. That chart shows that they fail on such a huge scale that I have to wonder how anyone can call such people leaders.


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