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Save Junior, Impeach The Surging Dick

by poputonian

How about “IRAC” as an acronym for “Independent Republicans Against Cheney?” This would be a new example where my enemy’s enemy is my friend:

Washington insiders report that the Bush family may be the critical factor in getting rid of Cheney, a scenario which is being mooted in the media.
…In an interview with CNN’s Wolf Blitzer, when asked about the Senate resolution against the “surge,” which had just been passed by the Foreign Relations Committee, Cheney boasted, “That won’t stop us . . . we are moving forward . . . the President has made his decision.”…
… with the opening statement by Special Counsel Fitzgerald in the Libby trial, on Jan. 23, in which he alleged that Cheney issued a hand-written memo to Libby on discrediting Wilson, the situation changed. Not only did Fitzgerald disclose the existence of the memo, but he charged that Libby had “wiped out” that incriminating piece of evidence.

However, reportedly through the combination of computer memory recovery methods, and the testimony of witnesses who also knew about Cheney’s memo, Fitzgerald was able to introduce the matter in his opening remarks.

On Jan. 25, Keith Olbermann, the host of the popular “Countdown” show on MSNBC, did a five-minute spot called, “Should Cheney Go?” He pointed to longtime Bush family operative, James Baker III, as the person who tried-and failed-to save G.W. Bush from the Cheney disaster.

Olbermann opened his show saying, “Piece by piece testimony at the Scooter Libby trial is dismantling the already tattered reputation of the nation’s Vice President, portraying him as consumed with retaliating against a serious credible critic of his attempts to sell the war. . . .”

Later in the program, Olbermann said, “Another friend of this show, Craig Crawford, reported today that Jim Baker not only led the Iraq Study Group, he was also leading a kind of a private attempt to wrench the President away from Mr. Cheney’s influence and ideology, and ultimately failed in that, judging from what the President is trying to do in Iraq now, in light of the Baker Commission. . . .”

The phrase being increasingly heard in the halls of Congress and around Washington is, “the time is now.” It is being used in the appeals from Republicans to the Bush family to save the Party and the Bush legacy-by getting Cheney out.

Take us there, Republicans.

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