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Some Of His Best Friends

by digby

Glenn Greenwald writes one of his throughly satisfying lawyerly exposés of one of the most loathesome DC creatures of recent years, the hysterical anti-muslim, anti-arab racist, Martin Peretz. It’s long overdue.

But Glenn’s focus on Peretz’s anti-arab diatribes unfortunately gives short shrift to his more homegrown bigotry. He has a little problem with yer african americans too. He’s quite clever about it, but it’s very similar to the proudly colorblind wingnuts who extoll the virtues of “good” blacks like Condi and Colin while unleashing standard racist vitriol toward “bad” negroes:

… as Michael Kazin also rightly points out, Obama is an idiosyncratic African American, although Mike doesn’t use the word “idiosyncratic.”

In any case, he is not a four-flusher and hustler like Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton, who also ran for president. But he is more than just not like these men. He is a formidable candidate because he is a formidable person. More than Mark Warner or Tom Vilsack. And why shouldn’t we at last have a black president? Given America’s history, that’s an honorable ambition for a party and for a country.

Why shouldn’t we have a black president, indeed? What a bold and broadminded epiphany. Why, they’re just like everybody else!

Or are they? He uses the word “idiosyncratic” to describe someone who isn’t, you know, unpleasantly “Afro-American” a term he uses unself-consciously in this post:

Does Ned Lamont really want Al Sharpton’s support? The reverend has lost just about all his fans in the Afro-American population, as anyone could tell by how he fared in the 2004 Democratic primary. I think he got fewer votes and fewer delegates than Kucinich, which is a great achievement. In any case, black Americans–having produced solid and achieving and aspiring politicians like Harold Ford Jr., Barack Obama and Deval Patrick (for all my carping at him)–have no reason to stick with Sharpton on anything. He has been a racist hooligan from the beginning of his career to, well, yesterday. What did he do yesterday? He accused Joe Lieberman of “race-baiting.”


Peretz does this over and over again when the issue is race. He cannot discuss the issue without contrasting what he considers to be good african-americans with “four-flushing hustlers” like Jackson and Sharpton. (He missed an opportunity to use the word “pimp”. Somebody send him a wingnut style-guide.)

It’s standard modern racism. They don’t just come out and say it. They don’t even know they are doing it. They really, truly do like some black people. The good ones. You know, the ones who don’t act …. black. And they have convinced themselves that today there is also a large silent majority of these “good” “afro-Americans” who also hate Jesse Jackson and who, in fact, believe exactly as Marty Peretz does. Which is why he isn’t a racist. He and teh African-Americans are brothers under their creamy, not too black, skins.

Here’s an example:

I’m a fan of young man Ford. He’s religious, he is not embarrassed that he’s for a strong defense, and he’s a friend of Al Gore–which means a lot to me. He is also more in touch with the sentiments of black constituents than either Jesse Jackson or Al Sharpton, in the new tradition of Barack Obama and Corey Booker, who also are very appealing to whites. This is the fresh black leadership in the Democratic Party, and a blessing they are.

Again with the good negroes and the bad negroes. This time, he also asserts that these “idiosyncratic” african americans are more appealing to whites than the bad negroes. No word on why. And how he knows that they are more appealing to the black constituency than jackson or Sharpton is also a mystery. I guess he found that out by hanging out in black churches and hip-hop clubs with Condi and Mike Bloomberg.

Of course, this “idiosyncracy” of Obama and these others has a down side. The rightwing talk sludge slingers are now saying he isn’t entitled to be considered “black” because he isn’t descended from African slaves. They are calling him a “halfrican” when they aren’t also tagging him as a muslim terrorist. (Don’t tell Peretz, his head will explode.)

I’m reminded of many recent conversations in which I’m lectured about how the Republicans are now the party of equality because Bush put Condi and Colin in the cabinet. (Of course, there have been blacks in the cabinet before, but no matter.) What always comes out is how these fine Republican African Americans don’t look and sound so much like those really black ones.

They all feel very proud of themselves and constantly pat themselves on the back for their new-found color-blindness. The mexicans and the arabs, on the other hand, are just a bunch of animals, but then everybody knows that.

Of course, there are exceptions…


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