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by digby

I’ve got to agree with Atrios Thers about this (and not just because he mentioned me in the post.) This new found ardor among the cognoscenti for macho Democrats is predictably shallow, but it’s also the only way to get the codpiece obsessed pundits to notice that the Democrats have something important to say.

I have written a lot about the fact that ever since the hippies grew their hair long and women fought for their right to be full members of society, the Republicans have successfully broken the parties into archetypal masculine and feminine tribes. I have long thought that this was one of our more difficult challenges. Public leadership archetypes are mostly male, after all, and the right appropriated them all.

But that’s about to change, isn’t it? While we justly celebrate Jim Webb’s strong no-nonsense speech tonight we also saw a rising Democratic party led by powerful, intelligent women. If there’s an archetype at work now it’s a healthy modern family — mom and dad are equals.

I don’t know how long it will take the media chatterers to get over their odd, adolescent testosterone fixation, but most of the rest of the country, as usual, is way ahead of them. The Democrats are the party of adults, male and female. The Republicans and the media are the only ones still stuck in Junior High waiting for the football captain to ask them to the dance.

* I realize that this tracks with Lakoff’s “nurturing parents” meme, but it didn’t really have any meaning until women rose into leadership positions. Otherwise, it’s one male working, nurturing parent and an absent mom. That’s not exactly an archetypal leadership model. (And nurturing is not a good political leadership word for either gender — it should be saved for other purposes.)


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