He’s Always Been Naked
by digby
As we await the magic moment when the Codpiece enters the capitol and wades through the adoring crowd to take to the podium and tell us what the state of our union is, I can’t help but be reminded of what it used to be like when Bush made a speech or held a press conference and people like Howard Fineman said things like this:
If he’s a cowboy he’s the reluctant warrior, he’s Shane… because he has to, to protect his family.”
This was the tenor of the political discourse for years. Luckily, the country has seemed to finally noticed that this man’s been walking around stark raving naked and babbling like an idiot for years. But it was a very depressing and disorienting time when the entire press corps and official punditocrisy insisted that this illiterate fool was on the par with with Abraham Lincoln and Winston Churchill. Sometimes I felt like I was losing my mind.
There have been a lot of arguments in recent months about whether those of us who were against the war are due any particular respect for having been right. I suppose that will sort itself over time. But it behooves the critics who insist that the fact we were right does not say anything important about our judgment, to also acknowledge, at least to themselves, that we were also right about Bush.