Godspeed Fellow Bloggers
by digby
I’m getting a little bit depressed about the bloggers who are quitting these days. First, it appears Billmon has checked out for good. Jeanne D’Arc said so-long some time ago as did my pal Kevin K. Yesterday I read that Kevin Hayden at American Street just can’t afford to do it anymore. He’s been one of the longest running and hardest working bloggers around and I don’t think the blogosphere will be the same without him.
And today, I see that one of my very favorite bloggers, Michael Bérubé, is hanging it up too. I will really miss him.
It’s a strange and almost compulsive thing we do and I don’t blame anyone for finally getting burned out or disillusioned or just plain bored with the conversation. I think all of us feel that way at least from time to time. When I first started, I used to take time off, but that’s not really possible anymore. So, you just keep keeping on or you stop, I guess.
Anyway, I will miss all of them and would hope they would leave the door open to returning if they get the urge. Any of these fine writers are more than welcome to contribute here, any time they have something to say. It would be an honor to host them.
Meanwhile, on a lighter bloggy note, Street Prophets has found a new way to raise a little “dough” by creating a cookbook and selling it. As a cookbook collector myself, I’ll be buying one and any of you out there who are similarly into either cooking or eating might want to do the same. (They say that cooking is good for the soul, but I never took it literally…) Pastordan and his folks are some of the good guys on the religious left and I think they should be supported by all of us godless liberals out here or the faux religious left will turn the Democratic party into a mild version of Focus on the Family.