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by digby

The Democrats made them do it:

JUDY WOODRUFF: Congresswoman Northup, you most recently left the Congress. You were there just until, what, a few days ago, literally. Do you see it that way? I mean, as somebody who’s served in this modern Congress, if you will, and yet a Congress that was seen as so bitterly divided along partisan lines?

FORMER REP. ANNE NORTHUP (R), Kentucky: It is bitterly divided, but that doesn’t mean that there can’t be changes. It doesn’t mean that people can’t work in a more open system and more straightforward system, a system where people can work across the aisle, express their differences and their commonalities, and come to a conclusion.

I do worry that the last two years there was a lot of feeling among the Republican majority that everything the other side did was set to set a stage in order to put the Republicans on the defensive, and so there’s a lot of bitterness, underlying bitterness about the last two years that are left that could come and haunt that effort, but I’m hopeful that people who love this country will all come to the conclusion that we can work together and find better solutions.

You see, the Republicans had no choice but to treat the Democrats like garbage. The Democratic minority kept putting them on the defensive. And the Republicans are understandably still upset about it.

I have been watching this theme emerge for days now and it’s starting to crystalize: apparently the Democrats have been keeping the Republicans down for years (since at least the 50’s!)and the Republicans are very bitter about it. The overwhelming issue in the November election was the deep desire out in the country for the congress to work tegether. That’s why they voted for divided government.

Who put the acid in the DC water supply?

Update: Jonathan at A Tiny Revolution points out that Anne Northrup has some serious issues.


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