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Missed Manners

by digby

I hate to step on all the good feelings of brotherly and sisterly love we all feel today, but when I hear the new Minority Leader John Boehner call us the “Democrat party” in the same speech in which he is calling for civility, I can’t help but wonder whether he knows what that means.

You see, it actually isn’t very civil at all to change the name of someone’s else’s political party against their will. In fact, it’s universally considered rude and cretinous not to call people by the names and designations by which they wish to be called.

Just a thought, in case anyone on the Republican side wonders why so many people think they are unctuous hypocrites. (Yeah, I know.)

Update: Oh, and perhaps this is normal, but I just heard that Mitt Romney stayed home rather than attend the swearing in of the new Governor of Massachusetts. Seems a bit uncivil, if you ask me.

And Ana Marie Wonkette just explained that Pelosi is running as fast as she can from the fact that she’s from San Francisco because she can’t have anyone thinking she isn’t a moderate. I’m just curious. How come nobody ever said such things about Trent Lott or Mitch McConnell?

I had originally rejected Tom Schaller’s idea that Democrats should demonize South Carolina or Alabama the way the Republicans (with the help of alleged liberals like Ana Marie) have demonized San Francisco and Massachusetts. But I’m beginning to see that it may actually be a necessary thing. Plus, I’m getting mighty sick of this shit — particularly with the endless lectures about civility and all.


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