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Let The Healing Begin Part VII

by digby

Watching tonight’s Newshour I was struck by how important both Shields and Brooks believe it is that Nancy Pelosi puts a stop to all the insane partisanship. The rancor in Washington really has gotten out of hand and people are sick of it — especially, it would appear, the Republicans who just can’t take another minute of this horrible lack of collegiality. (Those nasty Dems must be the problem, because I don’t recall all this handwringing punditude over Tom DeLay and Denny Hastert.)

Brooks said that Nancy will be judged by how much she gets done in the next two years — if there are fewer uninsured children or we are still toiling away in Iraq, she will have a lot to answer for. He doesn’t hold out much hope, of course, because she is super-partisan. And Shields offered that Nancy could save Bush’s presidency.

It seems that the DC courtiers have been so moved by all the blather they’ve been dribbling about Jerry Ford’s magnificently brave decision to pardon the man who put him office that they are convinced the biggest problem the country faces is the possibility that the Democrats might not let the Republicans date-rape them again.

But then, isn’t that always the way with privileged frat cats?


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