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A Christmas Blogger

by digby

Thank you, everyone, for all your generosity. It’s an indescribably wonderful feeling to know that so many people value the work you do. I am very, very grateful.

I must particularly thank all of my friends in the blogosphere who passed the Christmas stocking on my behalf. Thanks very much to my pals:

John Amato
Jane Hamsher
Avedon at The Sideshow
Peter Daou
Glenn Greenwald
Steve Gilliard
The General
Jeralyn at Talk Left
A Tiny Revolution
Dave Niewert
Lean Left
The American Street
Taylor Marsh
Mia Culpa
Colorado Bob
Middle Earth Journal
Blog Revolution
Trekie Net Nerds
A Spork In The Drawer
James Wolcott
Driftglass (who also shared a heartwarming Christmas moment. I’m all that keeps Santa going…)
My Supreme Overlord Kos


Street Prophets
The Broad View
SW’s Energy Gap
The ITT List
Après tout…
EZ Smirkzz 3.0
Sadly No!
Michael Berube


Also thanks to the hardest working man in the blogosphere, Matt Stoller, who insisted that people want me to keep writing about politics (and perhaps finally getting around to penning the long awaited Rise and Fall of the Codpiece) and Rick Perlstein who granted me the great privilege of posting excerpts throughout the year of his upcoming blockbuster Nixonland: The Politics and Culture of the American Berserk, 1965-1972.

If there are any other bloggers I left out, please let me know. My good friend Santa is making a list and he’s checkin’ it twice.

Thank you all again and Happy Hollandaise everyone.

Now, back to our regularly scheduled hatefilled screeds against Rudolph and carols and puppies on Christmas morning. This is a secular progressive blog, after all and everyone knows that we hate Christmas. Bah Humbug.


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