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by digby

I’m listening to Rick Warren (“A Purpose Driven Life”) talking about how people everywhere are tired of partisanship and want civility. He says that he thinks it’s time for both sides to stop being mean to each other — and he says that base politics are completely out of fashion.Isn’t that terrific? We can all put the partisan ugliness of the past two decades behind us a work together.

But I can’t help but wonder just a little bit about why all these people never said anything about this when the Republicans held a majority in both houses? After all these years of toxic right wing radio and Fox TV and Ann Coulter, you would have thought these fine non-partisan people would have spoken up sooner. Odd, don’t you think?

Oh well. I hear Lucy is getting up a nice game of football for all of us. Anybody up for a rousing chorus of Kumbaaya?


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