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by digby

From Newsweek:

Old CW: First woman Speaker will be Rayburn redux.
New CW: Botox bumbler blows first play.

This particular Mean Girlz theme didn’t spring from nowhere. It’s coming directly from Frank Luntz:

LUNTZ: I always use the line for Nancy Pelosi, “You get one shot at a facelift. If it doesn’t work the first time, let it go.”

This must have focused grouped well among their target wingnut pigs because, as I previously noted, Queenbee Dowd generously shared this one with the whole world today (before she went off on a sexist rant of her own):

Ted Olson, the former solicitor general and eloquent Republican lawyer who argued the Bush v. Gore case before the Supreme Court, was warming up the rabidly conservative Federalist Society crowd for John McCain with a few sexist cracks about Botox.

The new Congress could amuse itself, he said, by “searching for any sign of movement in Speaker Pelosi’s forehead.” The Senate, he added, would be entertained by “the expressionless, Pelosi-like forehead of Senator Clinton.”

I just have one question for these fine fellows who think this is appropriate: do they really want to start getting into discussions of looks? Because I don’t know who told them they looked like George Clooney and Brad Pitt but whoever it was was either drunk or blind.

This is very dangerous ground for these extremely plain looking middle aged men to be walking on. Dennis Miller ruined a comedy career doing conservative “humor” like this. (And perhaps Liddy Dole and Kay Bailey Hutchinson and Arnold Schwarzenegger should have a discrete talk with them before this gets out of hand and starts to blow back in some unfortunate directions.)

Luntz gave the game away. This kind of derisive babble is not simply a bunch of overgrown frat boys ‘n sorority girls disrespectfully talking about these women’s looks. It’s designed very specifically to trivialize them. It’s right out of the Spring 2000 Earth Tones catalogue.

And the Kewl Kidz, anxious as ever to prove their sophomoric Spite Girl bona-fides, are more than happy to “pass it on” as that snotty little CWitem proves.

Newsweek cleverly puts this disclaimer at the bottom:

The CW is not NEWSWEEK’s opinion, but an informal distillation of the ever-changing thinking of Beltway pundits and the chattering classes.

I don’t doubt it for a minute. And the fact that the RNC’s most famous focus grouper openly admits that he’s pushing the line is purely coincidence.
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