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Velvet Mafia

by digby

This is odd. Americablog posted the Youtube of Bill Maher saying Ken Mehlman is gay on Larry King last night and CNN has demanded that it be pulled and they’ve altered their transcript. Hmm.

Now, WorldNet Daily, rather breathlessly promoting the new religious rightwing meme that teh gays have invaded the GOP body politic, writes this:

Some in Washington have charged the White House and Congress are run by a “Gay Republican Mafia.”

Deputy White House chief of staff Karl Rove’s adopted father, who died in 2004, was a closet “gay” who left his mother when Rove was a senior in high school. But Rove still supports a ban on “gay” marriage. “The ideal is that marriage ought to be and should be a union of a man and a woman,” he has said.

He and his wife, Darby, have one child.

Hey, Ted Haggard has five…

Why would they mention Karl in this context unless somebody has said he’s part of this secret gay cabal? (Not that it surprises me. My rule of thumb from now on is that all these conservatives are closet cases until proven otherwise.) Still, I have to wonder. Is this going to be their way of throwing the losers under the bus?


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