Monitoring The Dirty Tricks
by digby
Two unbiased observers, Joe Scarborough and Michael Smerconish, just pointed out that it’s sickening to see Democrats whining about election irregularities when they do exactly the same thing, even worse. Like in Philadelphia where they are allegedly “mining votes” left and right as we speak. Or New Jersey where they have rigged the voting machines.
The one thing Republicans unbiased observers can’t bear is Democratic hypocrisy and election stealing. This is why it’s good that Laura Ingraham told her listeners to crank call the Democratic Voter protection hotline. They’ve got to stop the madness by any means necessary.
Earlier David Gergen pointed out that if the Democrats win this election, even if it’s a huge win, it won’t be because anyone wants them in power or even likes them. (How could they? They’re Democrats.) This, of course, is completely different than the 1994 Republican Revolution which was a national affirmation of conservative ideals.
Oh, and FYI, heavy turnout always favors Republicans.
You can feel the foundations of the status quo crumbling and all the panicked insiders looking around frantically for purchase.