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Waiting, Waiting…

by digby

So, MSNBC has chosen the most partisan Republican election lawyer in the country, Ben Ginsburg, to be their legal expert. (I’m kind of surprised they couldn’t get Limbaugh to reprise his earlier work with the network.)

In other news, the robo-call aspect of the vaunted 72 hour GOP Suppress the Vote operation seems to have captured the attention of the media. At least for now.

Lot’s of voting problems everywhere, especially in Ohio. Mean Jean Schmidt couldn’t get her voting machine to work. And that impeachment managing scumbag Steve Chabot was turned away:

Chabot turned away from poll

Howard Wilkinson reports:

Congressman Steve Chabot found out just how serious elections officials are about the new voter ID law when he showed up to vote at his polling place in Westwood.

Chabot went into the polling place at Westwood First Presbyterian Church about 9:30 a.m. and pulled out his Ohio driver’s license to show the poll workers. They looked at his license, and told the congressman that, even though they know perfectly well who he is, his driver’s license was issued to his business office, not his home, which is his voting address.

Somewhat sheepishly, Chabot went back out into the parking lot, jumped in his 1993 Buick – the one he talked about on his campaign commercials – and drove back to his home a few blocks away to find a proper ID.

“I guess I’ll see if I can find a utility bill,” Chabot said. “That’s the law. You have to have proper ID.”

Chabot returned about 10 minutes later with a bank statement and a Social Security Administration statement in hand.

He went inside and voted quickly.

“My wife told me to bring two documents just to be sure,” Chabot said. “I guess this just shows the poll workers are really doing their job.”

Easy for him to say. he doesn’t work for a living. He’s a Republican congressman.

Their vote suppression efforts seem to be working out well so far. And we’ll have the likes of Ben Ginsburg explain how this is all necessary to prevent mexicans, blacks and old and working people from voting Democratic voter fraud, so that’s good.

We always had to win big enough they couldn’t steal it. Let’s hope that wave is a Katrina level 5 and it’s enough to carry us over the huge levee of obstruction and suppression they’ve built to hold it back.

If you have a few minutes today, Call For Change. There isn’t going to be any real news for hours.

I’m going out to Vote!


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