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It All Falls Down

by digby

When you listen to this tape, it sure sounds like Pastor Ted Haggard and it sure sounds like he was setting up a drug buy with a gay hooker.

I think we may be at a point at which it would be easier to assume that all the most virulent gay marriage opponents and staunch family values conservatives are in the closet. Then we can get past all this ridiculous posturing and deal with their true issues. As it is they are all playing them out in destructive, sublimated fashion in politics and it’s hurting a lot of people.

Come out. Join the Log Cabin Republicans or dress in drag, we don’t care. Really. You’ll feel better and a grateful nation will appreciate it.

Btw, according to the Wall Street Journal:

Ted Haggard, the head of the 30-million strong National Association of Evangelicals, jokes that the only disagreement between himself and the leader of the Western world is automotive: Mr. Bush drives a Ford pickup, whereas he prefers a Chevy.

I don’t doubt it.


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