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Good General

by digby

Jane’s feeling Clarkie today and for good reason. Wes Clark has made a helluva good commercial for Ned Lamont. Jane sez:

Nice to see someone with guts who isn’t intimidated by No Show Joe’s petulant threats against the Democratic party.

As some of you may remember, I was a Clarkie in the last round of primaries and I still like the guy. He’s spent the last two years working tirelessly for candidates all over the country and he is, as Jane points out, not intimidated by ossified GOP enablers or the Democratic establishment.

He also respects actual Democratic voters. I think that one of the reasons the netroots backed Dean and Clark in great numbers during the primaries was that simple fact. They both respected the base of the Democratic party — the people who devote their energy and their money to the party and believe in Democratic principles. That’s a rarity in Democratic establishment politics, as Joe Lieberman has demonstrated for us once again.

Clark’s campaign fizzled and Dean’s went out with a bang, but they were the first glimmer that the base of the Democratic party — the netroots, in particular — had had it with Washington’s game. It’s a lesson that still hasn’t completely sunk in. But it’s beginning to. And we’re not going anywhere.

Good for Clark for being smart enough to see the future and gutsy enough to act on it.


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