by digby
The grown-ups have awakened from their stupors and have decided to save us:
MATTHEWS: The real grown-ups, gentlemen, and Margaret — is that the best critics of this war are the Republicans. [Sen.] John Warner [R-VA], the chairman of the Armed Services [Committee] — it’s not the lefties, it’s not Jack Murtha out there even. It’s the smart, grown-up Republicans who are questioning this policy and calling for a change.
We’re saved!
Get prepared to go back to the future, folks. If and when we manage to take back one or both houses of congress get prepared to relive those glory days of the 90’s, when the Republicans acted like raving lunatics and braindead losers like Chris Matthews blamed it all on the Democrats.
It is going to be as if the Bush years never happened. All this unpleasantness will be disappeared and we will begin anew with a horrible fiscal situation, a terrible global situation, a hopeless military situation which will be laid squarely at the feet of the “lefties” by “smart, grown-up Republicans,” the shrieking rightwing harpies and their close relatives the robotic codpiece-worshipping pundits. Oy.