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“Sure I Slept With Her”

by digby

… but I swear I didn’t try to kill the lying bitch. Vote Republican!

In other races, the Foley case has created an unfavorable backdrop for Republicans. In Pennsylvania this week, Representative Don Sherwood, a suddenly endangered Republican, bought time on television to offer an apology in response to allegations that he had abused his mistress.


And then there was this bizarre statement by David Brooks on last night’s Newshour:

I don’t want to minimize the Foley thing because the way kids are raised is a voting issue.

Who’s talking about the way kids are raised? No matter how you slice it, the kids behaviors are not the issue. It’s the 52 year old man trying to seduce them and his bosses and pals knowing about it and covering it up. Am I missing something here?

Why is this stuff so hard for the black and white morality crowd? Consensual sex between adults — nobody’s business. Marrying member of the same sex — nobody’s business. Choking mistress — wrong. Sexually preying on 16 year-olds — wrong.

Maybe we could make up some flash cards so the moralizing rightwing could carry them around and consult them whenever they get confused.

Update: Roy tries to point out to David Brooks the difference between reality and fiction. Good luck with that.


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