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Random Thoughts

by tristero

Don’t blame Clinton. This is all Al Gore’s fault. Had he not invented the Internets, there would have been no Mark Foley scandal.


Poor Chris Hitchens. There isn’t enough bourbon in the world to erase the horror and humiliation he must be enduring now that he knows that Henry Kissinger – Henry Kissinger – was a major Bush adviser for the Iraq fiasco. Oh, the humanity!


What a relief. At first, I thought Mark Foley might be a pedophile preying on young boys. Fortunately, I’ve learned that he’s an admitted substance abuser who might be a pedophile preying on young boys. Whew! That makes it more tolerable.


The mainstream media continues their anti-Christian bias today:

Americans John C. Mather and George F. Smoot won the 2006 Nobel Prize in physics on Tuesday for work that helped cement the big-bang theory of the universe and deepen understanding of the origin of galaxies and stars.

Mather, 60, works at the NASA Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Md., and Smoot, 61, works at the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory in Berkeley, Calif.

The scientists discovered the nature of ”blackbody radiation,” cosmic background radiation believed to stem from the ”big bang,” when the universe was born.

”They have not proven the big-bang theory but they give it very strong support,” said Per Carlson, chairman of the Nobel committee for physics.

”It is one of the greatest discoveries of the century. I would call it the greatest. It increases our knowledge of our place in the universe.”

Their work was based on measurements done with the help of NASA’s COBE satellite launched in 1989. They were able to observe the universe in its early stages about 380,000 years after it was born. Ripples in the light they detected also helped demonstrate how galaxies came together over time.

”The COBE results provided increased support for the big-bang scenario for the origin of the Universe, as this is the only scenario that predicts the kind of cosmic microwave background radiation measured by COBE,” the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences in Stockholm said in its citation.

The big-bang theory states that the universe was born billions of years ago from a rapidly expanding dense and incredibly hot state.

Disgraceful. And do we hear from the other side, that the Bible tells us unequivocally the universe is 6,000 years old? We do not. Not so much as one iota of balance.


Finally, while the multiple farces Republicans have made of governance play themselves out in all their tawdry stupidity, nine U.S. soldiers were killed in recent attacks around Baghdad bringing the total US military casualties in Iraq close to 2800. Remind me again: what are they there for?

I simply can’t forget, no matter how gleeful the schadenfreude watching rightwingers squirm through a scandal involving the cover-up of drunken homosexual pedophilia, that these incompetent, sick clowns are getting people killed. Lots of people killed.

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