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Answering Ignatius’s Question

by tristero

David Ignatius asks, in a genuinely stupid column, “How do we prevent Iraq from becoming a failed state? “

Step One: Bush and his entire cabinet leave office.

Step Two: Wait for Step One.

Until then, it is inevitable that Iraq will stay firmly on the path towards becoming a failed state (or it already is depending on the measures of failure used). If anyone thinks Bush will listen to a good idea, let alone follow it, let alone execute it in an effective manner, then that anyone has been comatose for five years. I know: this is a terrible thing to write, that increased tragedy, suffering and death are inevitable for Iraqis. But nothing good has a possibility of happening until Bush is out, meaning until January, 2009.

Oh, and David, you write:

Some extreme war critics are so angry at Bush they seem almost eager for America to lose, to prove a political point.

As Yglesias says, who you talking about, pal? Just to repeat what I said even before the launch of the New Product in Fall, 2002, a pre-emptive, unprovoked invasion of Iraq was doomed to failure. Not that I was happy to realize that. I was, and am, sick to death over it.

Why was it doomed to fail? Because it an unspeakably stupid idea that five seconds of sober thought would have revealed had no chance ever of working. And, no, it’s not that Bush et al were incompetent that it failed. That’s backward. The Bush administration demonstrated its total incompetence because it took a pre-emptive invasion of Iraq seriously and thought it could succeed.

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