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False Advertising

by tristero

Jonathan Wells, the Moonie from the Discovery Institute who is one of their principle shills for “inteliigent design” creationism – and, incidentally, a man who actually believes that the earth is about 6,000 years old, tops – has released a book with a title so misleading it amounts to blatantly false advertising. As the delicious multi-part series at The Panda’s Thumb makes quite clear, it should be titled “The Thoroughly Incorrect Guide to Darwinism [sic] and Intelligent Design.”

Check it out.

And by the way, those of you who object to my calling Wells a Moonie and referring to him in an obviously contemptuous fashion, perhaps you should remember that Wells is the stupid sonuvabitch who once compared biologist Ken Miller to the Hitler’s propagandist Heinrich Himmler, thus simultaneously exhibiting the gutter level at which his department at Discovery operates, his historical ignorance and the sheer sloppiness of his “scholarship.”

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