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Smell The Sulfur

by digby

I just heard John McCain get pissy on on Face the Nation about his bogus torture legislation and say, “The ACLU and the NY Times may not like it but we think people will recognise it defends both our values and our security.”

I honestly don’t know whether he’s stupid or immoral. But assuming he isn’t a complete idiot, I have to say I’m not sure if a man can sink lower than to leverage his heroic status as a tortured POW to codify his own government’s torture policy. You really don’t need to know any more about the man’s character than this.

And in case anyone’s wondering about the vaunted integrity of Huckleberry Graham, after he went on at length on Fox news this morning about protecting the soldiers and the rule ‘o law, he let this slip:

I want one of these guys tried in my lifetime and I’m tired of the supreme court throwing this back. It wasn’t my idea to give em Geneva Convention protections, it was the supreme court. Once the supreme court rules that the Geneva Convention applies we have an obligation to make it work.

And establish yourself as a manly, macho maverick McCainiac. So much for principle.


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