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by digby

LIMBAUGH: I love these kinds of stories, ’cause we’re just getting them all over the place: Waistlines continue to grow in the United States. Another crisis story here, ladies and gentlemen, from our old buddies at the Associated Press. “The gravy train — make that the sausage, biscuits, and gravy train — just keep [sic] on rolling in most of America last year.” Thirty-one states showing an increase in obesity. Mississippi continued to lead the way; an estimated 30 percent of adults there are considered obese, an increase of 1.1 percentage points when compared with last year’s report. Indeed, “the five states with the highest obesity rates are Mississippi, Alabama, West Virginia, Louisiana, and Kentucky — exhibit much higher rates of poverty than the national norm. Meanwhile, the five states with the lowest obesity have less poverty. They are Colorado, Hawaii, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, and Vermont.”


LIMBAUGH: I think you might then say that the obesity crisis could be the fault of government, liberal government. Food stamps, all those — you know, I’m gonna tell you people a story. I — just, well, the government, you could say, is killing these people because we know obesity kills, and the government’s killing the poor. The Bush administration is killing the poor with too much food.

Notice that the Bush administration is now “liberal government,” and that he fails to acknowledge the fact that the poorest states are all Republican.

I won’t even mention the irony of a guy like Limbaugh — who makes more than 25 million a year — talking about obesity being caused by poverty.


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