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Keep Your Nerve

by digby

Matt Yglesias has it exactly right. Regarding Rumsfeld’s wild-eyed crazy act at the American Legion he writes:

This, I think we can assume, is the fall campaign. The idea is to psyche the Democrats out. To make them think they can’t win an argument about foreign policy. To make them act like they can’t win an argument about foreign policy. And to thereby demonstrate to the American people that even the Democrats themselves lack confidence in their own ability to handle these issues.

This is terribly important for everyone to understand. This is not a real critique. It’s a psych-out designed purely to make the Democrats go wobbly and to get the media to portray them that way. It’s about optics, heuristics and image. If the Democratic Party falls for it, it will be a crime. There is no substance to what they are saying and there is no reason for Dems to even flinch from such empty intimidation. Indeed, they should snarl right back in their faces.

Don’t fall for it Dems.


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